Cet hiver, Créactifs présente un nouveau projet bilingue : What is Living / C’est la vie !

Avec deux représentations, le 15 février au Centaur Theatre et le 22 février à l’école Secondaire Lavoie, nous continuons à développer du contenu jeunesse, en utilisant poésie, humour, théâtre d’objet et dessin.

Pour ce projet, nous tentons une approche différente :

Courte description du projet :

We want to ask our young audience members the following question: what is living? Are you living? Is this fish living? Is the Earth living? Is a living room living? Can your teddy bear be living if you say it is? Which, of course, begs the following questions: what does it mean to be alive? What does it mean to be dead ? How do we instrumentalize the living ? How can we acknowledge the living world around us?

Photos par Natasha Beaudin-Pearson

FLIP : Hi kids ! I’m your host FLIP and this is beautiful assistant, FLOP !  You are watching What is is living, the first ever show to talk about all things ALIVE, and all things… DEAD! Each episode, we examine nature under the microscope and submit to you one living creature from this planet for you to grieve and mourn with us. This, my friends, is Guillermo, a real live, fin flapping, water breathing fish. On today’s episode, we will be playing Flush or no Flush ! Yes, yes, yes, today’s lucky, lucky contestant will get to decide, after a series of challenges and tests, if we flush Guillermo down the toilet or if we keep him alive a tiny bit longer. What ?? Flush Guillermo ?? As my good friend Greta Thunberg would say : HOW DARE YOU? Ah, don’t worry folks, we will get to that in just a minute. As my other good friend Gandhi would say, “all in good faith, and all in good time”. But first, a little science lesson ! Flop ?

FLOP : Yes ?

FLIP : We are surrounded with living things ! Mushrooms, humans, butterflies, wallruses, flamingos, tadpols, camels, cells, baobabs !! Living things can exist in almost any climate, from underwater, to the sky, to the desert, to in the ground ! Now we all know that some things are alive, and some aren’t, but sometimes it can be a bit hard to tell them apart, right kids ? So Flop, why don’t you name for our young audience here the 3 main characteristics of any living thing.

What Is Living, écrit par Anne-Marie St-Louis et Juliane Choquette-Lelarge, joué le 15 février 2020
Affiche créée par Juliane Choquette-Lelarge
Photos par Natasha Beaudin-Pearson et par CAEJ Haïti

Pour en apprendre plus sur l’extraordinaire organisme CADJ, visitez leur site web : Centre d’aide et d’encadrement des jeunes ou leur Facebook : Centre d’Aide et d’Encadrement des Jeunes – Haïti

Pour en apprendre plus sur la série de spectacles pour enfants au Centaur Theatre, allez découvrir the TD Saturday Morning Children’s Series :

TD Saturday Morning Children’s Series

Written by Julien